Saturday, August 8, 2015

7-8 august

Yesterday afternoon, after working, we (the ones who wanted) went cycling for around 20 kilometres. Even if it was very hot, we all appreciated the desertic look off the landscape. It was a lot of fun because the route was going up and down ! Later in the evening, after dinner most of us played a game where one person had to hide in the village, and the other had to find her has quick as possible to hide with her until every one succeeded. It was a lot of fun ! Today we started with our usual half an hour of sport (yoga or running), then we continued the work on the signalization. For lunch, we had a paella and it was the opportunity for Spanish to share their culinary culture with the others.


Ayer por la tarde, después de trabajar, nosotros (los que quisimos) fuimos en bicicleta unos veinte kilometros. Aunque hiciera mucho calor fuimos capaces de disfrutar las vistas del desierto. Fue muy entretenido por las constantes subidas y bajadas de pendiente. Más tarde por la noche, una vez habíamos cenado, jugamos a las sardinas enlatadas. ¡Fue muy divertido! Hoy empezamos como de costumbre con nuestros ejercicos de la mañana para continuar seguidamente con el trabajo de balizaje. Para comer tuvimos paella, fue la oportunidad perfecta para compartir la cultura culinaria española.

Marie con la ayuda de Juan Pablo



or not to work

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